Looking forward to seeing you shortly next week!

Congratulations again on your papers at AVSS 2024 as a poster presentation. The program can be accessed at Program Page. For your paper, please prepare a poster presentation. Poster information can be accessed Attendance Page. In rare cases where you are doing a remote poster presentation, please prepare a video which is no more than 5 minutes. Please use a Google link for your video and send the link to liang.zheng@anu.edu.au directly. We will play your 5-min video at the end of an oral session, where there won't be Q&A. You don't have to prepare a poster in this case.

Welcome Message

On behalf of the organizing committee, we warmly welcome you to the 20th edition of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), taking place in the beautiful city of Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.

The IEEE AVSS Conference aims to provide a transformative and interdisciplinary forum that brings together experts from academia, industry, and government to advance the frontiers of theory, methods, systems, and applications. This year, we place a special emphasis on the recent trends in generative AI and large language models, which are revolutionizing the fields of video and signal-based surveillance.

Our program features three oral sessions, three keynotes, one tutorial, two workshops, and two poster sessions. Out of the 74 submissions, 44 papers have been accepted to the main track of the conference, resulting in an acceptance rate of 59.4%. Each submission underwent a rigorous review process, with a minimum of three reviews per paper. Authors had the opportunity to provide feedback on the reviews before the program chairs diligently curated the final conference program.

On the second day of the conference, we have two specialized workshops that highlight the impact of generative AI: (1) Workshop on New Trends in AI-Generated Media and Security (AIMS 2024), and (2) Intelligent Visual Computing Systems and Security Concerns (IVCSSC 2024). The AIMS Workshop features five keynotes, each with its own in-depth topic. The selection of papers for these workshops was conducted separately from the main conference track. AVSS 2024 features one Tutorial session, where Peter Tu and his team will offer an excellent tutorial on cutting-edge developments in social analytics.

AVSS 2024 features three distinguished keynote speakers: Prof. Xin Li from SUNY Albany, Prof. Xiaoming Liu from Michigan State University, and Prof. Pramod Varshney from Syracuse University. They will share their insights on aerial video analysis, biometric recognition and distributed inference in human-sensor networks, respectively. We hope you will find their talks both inspiring and enriching.

With the contributions of our authors, presenters, keynote speakers, and organizers, we are proud to present a strong program that covers a variety of state-of-the-art research. The success of AVSS 2024 would not be possible without the dedication, effort, and hard work of many individuals. We take this opportunity to thank all the authors for their submissions and participation in this conference.

We gratefully acknowledge the mentorship provided by our Honorary Chair Prof. Venu Govindaraju. We express our sincere gratitude to the Technical Program Committee members and external referees for their diligent work in reviewing the submitted papers, as well as their invaluable contributions and support. Special thanks go to the Area Chairs: Dr. Feng Ding, Dr. Ting Liu, Dr. Dylan Campbell, Dr. Chinwe Ekenna, and Dr. Shu Hu. We also thank the Workshop Chairs: Dr. Ifeoma Nwogu and Dr. Pradeep Atrey, Industry Chairs: Dr. Arslan Basharat and Dr. Lipeng Ke, Tutorial Chair: Dr. Chaker Larabi, Publication Chair: Dr. Shan Jia, Finance Chair: Dr. Hui Guo, Registration Chair: Dr. Xin Wang, Publicity Chair: Dr. Zhedong Zheng, and Website and Local Chairs: Dr. Chengzhe Sun and Dr. Jialing Cai. Additionally, we appreciate the efforts of our local student assistants: Riky Zhou, Yu Cai, and Zhaofeng Si.

We extend our deepest appreciation to the organizers of the workshops and the tutorial session. Our sincere gratitude also goes to our distinguished keynote speakers, Prof. Xin Li, Prof. Xiaoming Liu, and Prof. Pramod Varshney, for sharing their vision, insights, and experiences.

We hope you will enjoy the technical program, the opportunity to interact with each other, and the intellectual and social opportunities that AVSS 2024 provides.

General Co-Chairs:
Siwei Lyu, University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA
Peter Tu, General Electric Research, USA

Technical Program Committee Chairs:
Ming-Ching Chang, University at Albany, SUNY, USA
Srirangaraj (Ranga) Setlur, University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA
Senem Velipasalar, Syracuse University, USA
Liang Zheng, Australian National University, Australia


AVSS 2024 is the 20th edition of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance. AVSS is the premier international conference in the field of video and signal-based surveillance. The goal is to provide a game-changing and cross-disciplinary forum that brings together experts from academia, industry, and government to advance the frontiers of theories, methods, systems, and applications.There will be a main conference as well as multiple associated workshops. This year AVSS is collocated with IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME).

AVSS 2024 will be organized by the team from University at Buffalo, State University of New York at the Niagara Falls at July 2024. AVSS 2024 will be collocating with the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) which will be held back-to-back at the Canadian side of the Niagara Falls.

We invite submissions of up to eight pages, including references. A paper submission implies that, if the paper is accepted, one of the authors will present the paper/poster at the conference. We warmly invite your contributions to the AVSS 2024.

Topics of Interest

Real-time Video Processing
Model Security, Privacy and Robustness
Multi-modal Analytics
Multi-camera Video Analytics
Surveillance Systems and Applications